Sep 29, 2007


(This post gets lost in tranlation since it was moved from MySpace. Sorry!)

"When are you going to write another blog?"

"Why don't you write one?? I would love to hear what you have to say too!"

I cannot count the times that I have had this conversation…….and finally some people are taking my advice. Here are few of my friends that have started blogging….please request them as a friend and read their blogs. They keep me laughing, remind me of days of old and remind me that I have to start watching Grey's Anatomy.

Shanna constantly had her nose in a book when we were younger, which I think is why she is such a great blogger. I think that she reads all of the non-MySpace blogs that I do and she is a great writer. I love reading the stories about her children and the funny things that they say. She is a Grey's fan.

Penny has recently started blogging and takes me down Memory Lane often. Her daughter is an "ordinary expert". Penny is the biggest Grey's freak that I know and has been actively trying to persuade me to watch the show for years. I think that she may get her wish. Penny also introduced me to my husband and is the best darn hairstylist in the universe. She is my ultimate Harry Potter cohort.

Sweet Caroline blogs about dealing with the turmoils of MLSs and condo living. She has recently discovered that reading is not just for nerds and that being blonde wasn't all that it was cracked up to be. I know that she has a ton of blogs in her…… how the "Curse of Caroline" struck EVERYONE that we know. She is yet another Grey's watcher.

Melissa has been blogging for well over a year and has an extensive backlog of posts. She is so good; she has people plagiarizing her stuff! She has covered the gamete, from stupid ex-boyfriends, depression, politics, finding love and most recently about a Neanderthal that hit her car and fled the scene. To my knowledge, she has not mentioned Grey's Anatomy……so there may be hope that I am not the only one!

Em is so witty with her wording that I laugh out loud. I love hearing about the customers that come into her work and her torrid love affair with her Jetta. As an added bonus, I have turned her into a Potterphile. She is another freakin' Grey's fan.

Tobi has written one of my favorite blog posts so far, I Am Blessed. (Contrary to what you might think, it is not because I am mentioned! Hehe!) Tobi's writing is blunt and hilarious….two of the qualities that I love about her. She and I have the same taste in bad reality television and I am plotting to kidnap her child.

I hope that you enjoy these blogs as much as I do and I am proud of these girls for jumping on the bandwagon! And if you aren't writing a blog, why don't you give it a try? A bad blog post is a like a baby pidgeon…..they don't exist. (Seriously, have you ever seen a baby pidgeon?)

So what are you waiting for???? GET READING!!!

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