Jan 31, 2008
Jan 30, 2008
Tiny Blessings
Welcome to the world Kash Morgan Heath!
Kash is a special little guy. He was born with a little heart problem and had to make a special trip to Louisville today. He is going to have surgery tomorrow and should be in the hospital for about a week. Please keep Kash and his Mommy Emily and Daddy Jay in your prayers.
No Autographs Please
Pitter Patter is Louder on Hardwood
Our living room has become a disaster area. Kyle has ripped out all the carpet and is in the process of painting. Ever since I urinated on a stick and turned our universe on edge, he has gone crazy getting the house ready. If I had known that I would have gotten hard wood floors, I would have gotten pregnant a LONG time ago!
Sandy Beaches
Jan 21, 2008
I Am Alive!
The truth is everything is fine. I guess I was just having one of those days. I am a girl, I am totally allowed to do that. I think that the cloudy days of this cold snap are prodding at my mood. Riding extremely high on the estrogen train does not help things either.
There is change in the air. Good things are happening. I promise to keep you updated!

Jan 14, 2008
Mind Games
One thing in particular really stands out in my head. She said that if something that I want to happen doesn’t, then I blame myself for things that I have done in the past. For example, if one of my favorite television shows is a repeat when I wanted it to be new, then it is because I didn't do that load of laundry that desperately needs to be done. Silly, I know, but this is something that I have consistently done since I was young. Something that I had never really thought about until she said it.
Lately, this has been the norm. I guess that with the passing of another year and addition of another digit to my age, it was to be expected. Things that I wanted to be accomplished by a certain date or age just haven’t happened. This has sent my emotions into a downward spiral.
I am beating myself up more and more lately. Sleepless nights and loss of energy quickly followed. But I am slowly getting out of my funk. I just need to readjust and not blame myself.
Maybe my planets are aligning more now or maybe I am just getting to know myself better. I know that God has a plan and I need to trust in him. I just wish that he would give me a hint of what that plan is……so I know that I am not completely losing my mind.
Jan 5, 2008
Wii Had An Awesome Time
Jan 4, 2008
31 Isn't That Bad So Far
My birthday came and went without a bang………at my request. I didn’t want a big fuss this year. A busy December has left me fizzled and all I wanted to do was put on warm pajamas and relax on the couch, which is exactly what I did.
There were a few highlights to my day though:
The Queen Pins, among others, called and sang happy birthday over the telephone.
My co-workers bought me a strawberry pie with mile-high whipped-cream and a gift card.
The guys that I work with sang The Old Gray Mare Ain’t What She Used To Be. This was Murray State’s fight song, so I was thrilled.
Like every Thursday, I got a killer homemade lunch by Aunt Oma and Granny Garton. Aunt Oma gave me a cookbook that has several recipes from Kyle’s family…..something that I have been wanting for a while. There were wonderful birthday cards that I treasure dearly.
I got a TON of emails from people with birthday wishes.
I received my first official sister-in-law card from Lauren. (Which was signed by Clay too.)
Tonight I had dinner with Erin, a girlfriend that I don’t get to see that often. Mainly because she is still in college and is busy with schoolwork and sorority life. She gave me the funniest card that plays Word Up by Cameo. Totally 80s!
I got the BEST card from Mom and Dad that made me cry.
Tomorrow night, I get to have dinner with Haley, the other birthday girl in the family. I love that our birthdays are only a day apart and we get to celebrate together. I can’t wait for her to open the gift that I bought her.
All in all, it was a perfect birthday. Even when I tell people not to make a fuss, they show me how much that I am loved. Thank you to everyone that made my day special!
Jan 2, 2008
Jan 1, 2008
New Year at Old Spencer Mill
I hope that everyone has a fabulous 2008! Happy New Year!